National Woman's Christian Temperance Union
"Let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit,
perfecting holiness out of reverence for God."
2 Corinthians 7:1 (NIV)
The Mission of the White Ribbon Women is to organize the motherhood of the world for the protection and exaltation of its homes.
Loyal Temperance Legion
(Director to be appointed)
Fun While We Learn
The Loyal Temperance Legion (LTL) is the junior organization for boys and girls ages six through twelve.
The purpose of the program is to build character, to educate for total abstinence, to train for good citizenship and to carry on the principles of Christian leadership.
Children sign a total abstinence pledge, and pay annual dues to become members.
The National LTL Director develops the two-year theme and projects and prepares lesson material. A LTL Bulletin is available by subscription which offers meeting outlines devotions, work sheets, and craft ideas.
The Local Executive Director organizes the children. Many meet once a month while others meet only during summer vacation or have Front Porch meetings.
Things to know about the LTL:
The Colors are red, white, and blue
The Flower is the Daisy (Anna Gordon's favorite flower).
The Slogan is "Fun While We Learn."
The Salute "My head, my heart, and this right hand, For God, and home, and every land."
Why not start a LTL in your church, school, or neighborhood (think Front Porch)?