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Sanctity of Human Life:

  •  WCTU believes that all persons, born and unborn, are created in the image of God, therefore, we believe in the value and protection of innocent human life from conception until natural death. The WCTU opposes induced abortion for personal convenience, population control or medical research. WCTU also opposes physician-assisted suicide.


Freedom of Religion:

  •  WCTU believes in the right of individuals to pray and worship God privately and publicly in the name of Jesus without fear of government interference, criminalization or persecution.


  • The WCTU also supports the display of Scripture in public places and defends our religious liberty.


Sexual Purity:

  •  WCTU believes in the Scriptural standard that sexual relationships outside of marriage are wrong.


Freedom from Harmful Influences:

  • Scripture instructs us to honor our body as the temple of the Holy Spirit and to protect it from anything that would contaminate the body or soul.


  • WCTU believes in self-control, which is characterized by temperance. (Temperance- moderation in all things good and abstinence from all things harmful.) In order to have a life that is full, abundant, and free in Jesus Christ, membership in the WCTU requires abstinence from the use of alcohol beverages, tobacco products, illegal drugs and any other substance that would compromise the quality of health and life.



  •  WCTU believes it is wrong to gamble; therefore, we are opposed to government sponsorship of lotteries and all other forms of gambling.




Every year, the WCTU presents Resolutions to the membership for consideration, approval, and action.


  • In 2019, the Resolutions included action to protect children from inappropriate PBS programing which glorified homosexual marriage, work for laws that would criminalize infanticide, and educate others and work for laws that would protect youth and adults from the harm of e-cigarettes.


  • In 2018, the Resolutions included action on the opioid crisis, marijuana education to discourage legalization and use, commended Scott Gottlieb, MD., Commissioner of the FDA for his efforts to protect America's youth from the e-cigarette industry and CVS Pharmacy for strengthening counseling for patients filling opioid prescriptions.


  • In 2017, the Resolutions included action concerning alcohol and tax fairness, gambling, promoted National Prevention Week (dedicated to increasing public awareness of, and action around, mental and/or substance abuse disorders, and commended Ms. Hearst for her efforts on behalf of youth for giving her life to Jesus Christ and encouraging the labeling of Cosmopolitan Magazine as pornographic material that should not be sold to minors.


  • In 2016, the Resolutions included renewing our emphasis on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, continued to oppose legalization for the general use marijuana while supporting the FDA's approved use of any components of marijuana for medical purposes, and work to promote active shooter awareness with the on-line video Run.Hide.Fight and our Active Shooter Awareness packet for pastors.


  • In 2015, the Resolutions included action to support Religious Freedom Day as an annual event, oppose the use of e-cigarettes, uphold the definition of marriage as one man and one woman in covenant with God, continue to educate about the dangers of marijuana use by distributing the Signal Press publication entitled is Marijuana Medicine?, work to get more obvious warnings on alcohol products, commended Mr. Eric Buehrer, a former public school teacher for his work to educated others about the 1st Amendments Rights granted in the Constitution of the United States of America.


  • In 2014, the Resolutions included continuing its long history of working for the protection of women and children by focusing on human trafficking, use our influence to ensure WCTU is included in the National Women's History Museum in the fair and accurate manner, follow the approval process of Alcohol and use every opportunity to stop it from being produced, encourage healthier food choices and encourage each other, and register to vote and encourage everyone who is eligible to register and vote.​


  • In 2013, the Resolutions included support for National Transportation Safety Board's (NTSB) recommendations in their report "Reaching Zero: Actions to Reduce Alcohol-Impaired Driving. Shared the findings of the 2011 study by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration that over 8% of adults 65 and older are binge drinking and up to 10% of elderly persons are misusing prescription drugs, including painkillers like Oxycodone. Members were urged to pay close attention to those around them and to encourage those who may be using alcohol or drugs illegally to seek medical help. Concern over military chaplains being afraid to speak freely from the pulpit on cultural and societal issues from a Biblical perspective out of free of punishment by the government, each member was asked to encourage their pastor to visit


  • In 2012, the Resolutions urged members to see that laws concerning Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) be actively enforced and work to require mandatory substance abuse assessment and treatment for drivers convicted of Driving While Intoxicated (DWI). Urge members to work to increase the percentage of excise taxes on tobacco to be used to fund tobacco control programs. Members strongly encourage parents to be aware of parental accountability for the actions of their children and teens regarding prescription drugs. 




National WCTU Headquarters

1730 Chicago Ave.

Evanston, IL. 60201

(847) 864-1396

© 2022 National WCTU. All rights reserved.

Registered Charity: 501(c)(3)

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