National Woman's Christian Temperance Union
"Let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit,
perfecting holiness out of reverence for God."
2 Corinthians 7:1 (NIV)
The Mission of the White Ribbon Women is to organize the motherhood of the world for the protection and exaltation of its homes.
Contest Rules 2023-2024
Contacts should be made in the Fall with administrators and teachers. Include students from public, private, Christian schools, home schools and Bible school students.
The official sponsor of the contests is the WCTU. Rules are set by the WCTU and the decision of the judges is finial.
Local contests are to be completed by February 15th. The first place winner in each category is forwarded to the State Contest by March 15. The first place state winners in each category is sent on the National Education Director by April 15. Winners of the National contest will be returned to the states by May 15. National winners will be announced at the National WCTU convention.
Award ribbons and all materials mentioned are available from Signal Press. Contact information:
Phone: (847) 864-1396
Picture Coloring Contest
Kindergarten - 3rd Grade
The Picture Coloring Contest is offered to primary age students to give them an opportunity to present in an artistic manner a message promoting abstinence from alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs. Coloring sheets are available from Signal Press. Color sheets for the current year must be used. The Name, Grade, Age, School, Teacher's Name, City, State should be on the back of the coloring sheet.
Judging: There should be three judges, preferably including a primary teacher, an individual with an art background, and a WCTU member. The entries will be judged on: Originality 25%, Appropriateness of colors 25%, Neatness and accuracy 25%, Instant appeal 25%.
Poster Contest Grades 4-12
The poster contest is offered to give sudents an opportunity to research and present an artistic message on the inherent dangers of alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs or abuse of prescription and/or over-the-counter drugs with an emphasis on total abstinence as the right choice.
Color: Harmonious colors with strong contrast is encouraged.
Lettering: Use any combination of lettering and spacing which is readable and emphasizes key points.
Design: Theme and execution should be bold, gain attention, and have eye-appeal. Think "billboard."
Originality is very important. Target audience is youth.
Use poster board - 22 inches x 14 inches in size.
Cut-outs are permitted in Division I and II but only original artwork in Division III.
Do not use product images, trade-marks, brand names or copyrighted material.
Messages such as "Don't Drink and Drive" are NOT acceptable. The message must be that any use of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs is unacceptable.
The upper right-hand corner of the reverse side must include: Name, Grade, Age, School, Teacher's Name, City, State.
Posters not following the requirements will be eliminated.
Judging: There should be three judges, preferably at least one with an art background, and a WCTU member for another.
Criteria: Originality 40%, Design and color 20%, Clear and accurate message 20%, Instant appeal 20%.
For both the Poster and Essay Contest:
Division I - grades 4 - 6
Division II - grades 7 - 9
Division III - grades 10 - 12
Essay Contest
The essay contest is offered to students an opportunity to research and write on the subject of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs with an emphasis on total abstinence as the preferred choice.
Topics by Division:
Division I - What are the dangers of Fentanyl? (200 -300 words)
Division II - Alcohol is NOT for ME! (300 - 500 words)
Division III - Is marijuana a safe alternative to tobacco? (600 - 1,000 words)
General Essay Requirements:
The content must adhere to the topic.
Sources must be included as a bibliography. All direct quotations must be noted and attributed (not to exceed 20% of content.)
Use standard paper size, white paper, one inch margins. Use one side, double spaced. Essays may be handwritten or computer-generated.
The original and two copies must be submitted. NO copies will be returned.
Each essay must have a cover sheet and all pages, including the cover, must be attached. The cover sheet is to include the name of the participate, age, grade, school, city, and teacher's name.
Each essay shall include a word count placed in the upper right hand corner of page one.
Purchase of resource packets is NOT required but use of references (below) is encouraged.
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism -
National Institute on Drug Abuse -
Get Smart About Drugs -
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention -
Judging: There are to be three judges. One judge should be a member of the WCTU.
Criteria: Style and persuasiveness 30%, Factual accuracy 20%, Originality 20%, Grammar and construction 20%, Neatness 10%.